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Re: [Nel] What the...?! [update]

From: illuminatus
Subject: Re: [Nel] What the...?! [update]
Date: Fri, 19 Mar 2004 13:00:19 +0100
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 0.5 (Windows/20040207)

Nicolas Vizerie wrote:
It seems that the prb is with VC7 trying to compile templates before they are instanciated. In this case this is the _Alloc_traits class that tries to reference 'rebind' in the allocator. That field is never used however.. I guess that it's why it works under VC6. I commited a fix that disable the memory optimisation if VC7 is used. If you don't use FXs then it doesn't matter. Hope its works, because I don't have the possibility to check with VC7 there..
We'll change that when we'll move under VC7.


Gonna try it out as soon as i can fetch it from CVS. :D
Thanks for now,

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