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Re: [Nel] Ryzom and Nel questions

From: Loic Dachary
Subject: Re: [Nel] Ryzom and Nel questions
Date: Fri, 1 Nov 2002 15:52:42 +0100

Mike Stoddart writes:
 > So, my question is, is Ryzom using the standard Nel engine, with no extra 
 > core functionality (by core I mean networking, graphics etc)?

        I honestly can't give an authoritative answer since I do not work
at Nevrax. And Ryzom is not released yet so noone can check this ;-) My
bet is that it uses NeL as we have it in the CVS tree. I'm pretty
sure any Nevrax employee can comment on this.

 > Does Nel include functionality for players to hold obejcts, such as weapons?

        I believe so although I did not check that carefully. You can
answer this question by looking at the sources, I pretty sure it's not 
addressed by the existing documentation.

 > Also, do you have any plans to implement some kind of dynamic shadowing for 
 > the landscape? Currently I believe that it uses light maps, so I'm 
 > wondering how you would do day/night cycles with dynamic lightjng and 
 > shadowing. This would be a core feature in an MMPOG for me, so I'm 
 > surprised that it isn't already supported.

        You can't do day/night with NeL as it exists today. Vincent Caron
has loads of ideas on this subject. 


Loic   Dachary  address@hidden
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