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[Nel] Error Message building Position.exe for SnowBalls Server.

From: Tony Hoyt
Subject: [Nel] Error Message building Position.exe for SnowBalls Server.
Date: Sun, 28 Oct 2001 11:21:13 -0800 (PST)

I receieved the following error message when trying to build
position.exe for Snowballs 2 server.  To be honest, I'm not that
great at using Visual Studio, so I'm not positive how to solve this
issue.  Thanks.

--------------------Configuration: position - Win32
main.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "public: class
NLMISC::CVector  __thiscall CTrajectory::eval(__int64)const "
ReleaseDebug/position.exe : fatal error LNK1120: 1 unresolved
Error executing link.exe.

position.exe - 2 error(s), 0 warning(s)


  In anycase, I'm trying to figure something out here.  So basicly,
if I wanted to use NEL for my own online game, I would basicly take
the Client and server Code examples to figure out how to build all my
services and dependancies, then distribute the client to my player
base and be all set.  Do I need to actually alter any NEL code to get
my project working? If so, then I would need to release my source to
my game although I wouldn't have to completely open up all the game
content (exact data or tools used to build the game) would I?

  I was under the assumetion that This was more of a like a SDK,
where I would just link up some libraries, run some basic calls and
then have a fully functional game.  Not neading anything more then
the headers and library files.   Or am I mistaken?


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