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Re: Monit and VPNC

From: SZÉPE Viktor
Subject: Re: Monit and VPNC
Date: Wed, 06 May 2020 20:09:38 +0200
User-agent: Horde Application Framework 5

Idézem/Quoting Patrick Baldwin <address@hidden>:

I verified the full path to VPNC:

12$ which vpnc


Since VPNC doesn't make a pidfile, I created a wrapper script:

You must have a hard time battling with a nearly one decade-old software.

vpnc has a --pid-file option

"store the pid of background process in <filename>"

If your goal is sustainability you must write a proper sysvinit/systemd init file
with process management, logging etc.

See for example

I could help you write a sysvinit script.

All the best to you!

SZÉPE Viktor, webes alkalmazás üzemeltetés / Running your application
ügyelet/hotline: +36-20-4242498  address@hidden  skype: szepe.viktor
Budapest, III. kerület

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