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Re: repeated file content match

From: Ben Soot
Subject: Re: repeated file content match
Date: Tue, 28 Oct 2014 17:21:31 +0100
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Hi Martin,

Thanks for the answer and sry for my late reply:

I finally got it to work, it was an issue with the syntax (one needs to use "for 3 cycles" instead of "within 3 cycles" as an action condition clause). This is unclear from the documentation IMO. Here is my working version:

 check file foo.log  with path /home/foo.log

     if match
           "^.*ACTION_REQUIRED.*$" then alert

 check file foo_REPEATED.log  with path /home/foo.log
     group repeatedfailure
     if match
           "^.*ACTION_REQUIRED.*$" for 3 cycles then alert

Cheers Ben

On 22.10.2014 10:35, Martin Pala wrote:
Hello Ben,

i didn't try such configuration but it looks fine and should work ... it 
depends however what you expect from it. It won't work as plain cross-cycle 
strings counter, but as indicator that the string showed up again in 3 
consecutive cycles.

The "foo_REPEATED.log" service condition requires match in 3 consecutive cycles to trigger the alert and it 
doesn't matter how many matches there were in 1 (partial) cycle: if there are multiple matches in only one test cycle 
(for example 20x "ACTION_REQUIRED" string), given cycle matched - Monit will record the read position (end of 
the file) and the next cycle will start from where it stopped before. In order for the next cycle to match, new 
instance of "ACTION_REQUIRED" string had to be appended to the file again (at least one instance) - then this 
cycle will match too. And if this will occur 3rd time (again new occurrence of "ACTION_REQUIRED" string in 
cycle no. 3), then Monit will trigger the alert.

If you need to count the messages and trigger the alert anytime there are 3+ 
occurrences of the same string (even in the same cycle), it cannot be achieved 
with this configuration ... it would require new option for the content test 
(some counter test for the given pattern).


On 20 Oct 2014, at 15:11, Ben Soot <address@hidden> wrote:


What is the best way to get alerts of repeated file content matches?

I have 2 rules one for the same file so i can then distinguish in mmonit the 
service to send alerts to different mail addresses.

Somehow the alerts for the repeated rule are not triggered... Anybody done sth 
like this?
also i never got the service group

Im using monit 5.4 and mmonit 3.1.2

thanks Ben

set daemon  120

check file foo.log  with path /home/foo.log

    if match
          "^.*ACTION_REQUIRED.*$" then alert

check file foo_REPEATED.log  with path /home/foo.log
    group repeatedfailure
    if match
          "^.*ACTION_REQUIRED.*$" within 3 cycles then alert

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