Monit <= 5.7 purges the environment variables and sets only spartan
PATH="/bin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/usr/sbin" + set of MONIT_* variables (documented in the
manual) ... this was done to run the program in a sandbox and not pass any extra
informations from parent process environment to child, but caused problems in some cases,
where the script depends on environment settings.
For example your script doesn't use absolute paths ... if "java" is not in the
above mentioned PATH, then it won't be found.
=> Monit upgrade to 5.8 or later should fix it ... alternatively you can load
the environment in the script or define required environment variables and/or use
absolute path.
On 09 Jul 2014, at 19:04, Martin Vaner <address@hidden> wrote:
Hi there.
I just have a little problem. Monit does not want to start my bash script, and i do not
know why, monit is saying only "Execution failed" so i cant identify what is
causing my problem.
Information about script:
if [ -f /home/sms/vouchers/contego.pid ]
echo 'process already running'
java -Xmx1024m -jar jacon2.jar &
pid_number=`ps -e -o pid,command | grep "jacon2.jar" | grep -v "\<grep\>"`
touch contego.pid
echo $pid_number > contego.pid
File permissions:
-rwxr-xr-x 1 sms sms 256 Jul 9 16:46 contego_start.sh
Monit config file:
check process contego with pidfile /home/sms/vouchers/contego.pid
start program = "/home/sms/vouchers/contego_start.sh"
as uid "sms" and gid "sms"
stop program = "/home/sms/vouchers/contego_stop.sh"
as uid "sms" and with gid "sms"
When i run my script directly from console, the script is working without any
This is another problem what i have encountered before.
Thank you for tips.
Regards, Martin
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