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Re: pid change notice

From: Kevin Chadwick
Subject: Re: pid change notice
Date: Thu, 29 Mar 2012 14:07:49 +0100

On Thu, 29 Mar 2012 13:46:27 +0200
Gerrit Kühn wrote:

> MP> It seems that you application actually creates two "susepics"
> MP> processes, one of them has "init" as parent (init's PID=1) and has one
> MP> child process "susepics". The init as parent is common when the
> MP> process demonizes itself. In your case the pattern based check is not
> MP> suitable, as the pattern is not unique and matches two processes.  
> But how come that this second process is normally nowhere to be seen?
> There is only one:
> fe2 monit.d # pgrep -l susepic
> 9967 g1susepics

I believe it's short lived so either improve the match (more accurate or
init ignore) or use a PID file. I chose the pid file to save myself
the time. Using a pid file posed a problem for another process which
doesn't have this problem and I changed them all to live match, but
changed things like cron back again to get rid of the false positives.

Maybe monit could ignore init spawning by default (maybe highest
pid number in case of multiple matches), I guess someone may want to
monitor init? or even the spawning itself? etc..

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