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Re: [monit] Cannot connect to the monit daemon Did you start it with htt

From: Hashimoto Yuya
Subject: Re: [monit] Cannot connect to the monit daemon Did you start it with http support?
Date: Thu, 4 Mar 2010 09:31:40 +0900

Thank you for ou kind and detailed explanation.
As you mentioend, I could guess that  the http interface wasn't up from the message found in the log.
But still, I needed CLEAR EVIDENCE mentioning the change in behaviour and its reason, such as the 
official statement which is publicly open. That's why I posted this question.
The behavior was changed - when the http interface was up and data not changing (until delay passed) it confused users as it looked like monit is stuck and doing nothing, whereas it is waiting per configuration. When Monit 5.1.x starts, it logs "Monit start delay set -- pause for <x>s"  to console and log to advertise that it is waiting for <x> seconds before it will continue.


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