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Re: [monit] Did you start it with http support

From: Jovan Kostovski
Subject: Re: [monit] Did you start it with http support
Date: Thu, 4 Sep 2008 20:56:22 +0200

On Thu, Sep 4, 2008 at 8:42 PM, subrata majumder <address@hidden> wrote:
> I am running monit daemon with http support enable.
> I have stoped http server from monit web browser.
> Now monit client can not connect to monit daemon.
> If I use "monit stop <process-name>"  I get following error "Did you start it 
> with http support?" .
> It seems monit client talk with monit daemon only through http service.
> Is there any other communication channel between monit client and monit 
> daemon beside http ? Even after http support disabled monit client can talk 
> with monit daemon.

you can always use ssh to connect to the server and then monit
start/stop process_name ;)

btw. monit runs its own http listener which is used for accessing the
admin interface.
check your /etc/monitrc file and look for:
set httpd port 2812

this line tells on which port monit's build in http listener will
work. just type http://hostname:port
to access it. you can add authentication too.Check the monit httpd
section in the monit docs.

The only way to stop this built in http listener is to comment the
above line in /etc/monitrc.

HTH, Jovan

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