this is 4.9 on fedora core 5, The problem is that this is a rare
event, can I set verbose in the config file?
On 11/10/2007, Martin Pala <address@hidden> wrote:
Can you run monit in verbose mode (-v option) and provide logs?
Which monit version is it?
Nick Upson wrote:
I have monitoring a process called bs1, yesterday I had a problem
which I traced back to having 2 copies running at the same time
(as it
talks down a serial line that caused problems).
The monit log shows it starting one copy at 16:58 and starting it
again at 17:00.
Normally monit looks after everything fine on this system which has
been used for several weeks, the config entry is below
check process bs1 with pidfile "/var/run/"
start program = "/opt/unb/bin/ 1 restart"
stop program = "/opt/unb/bin/ 1 stop"
if totalmem > 1000 Mb then
exec "/bin/bash -c '/bin/echo bs1: memory alert >>
/tmp/monit;/opt/unb/bin/ monit /tmp/monit'"
if cpu usage > 95% for 3 cycles then
exec "/bin/bash -c '/bin/echo bs1: cpu usage alert >>
/tmp/monit;/opt/unb/bin/ monit /tmp/monit'"
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