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Re: Execution failed ?

From: Andreas Rust
Subject: Re: Execution failed ?
Date: Thu, 14 Oct 2004 13:10:03 +0200


I will try to replicate the prob next month ... going vacation next week and heaps of stuff to do are left on my desk :)


This is strange - i tried to replicate the problem but it works for me without problems. It is possible that the /usr/local/pgsql/data/ cointained pid of nonexisting process (some previous postgres instance which was stopped and the pidfile was not updated).

You can safely ignore smtp related messages - it is not related to this problem (exactly as you noted - it is correct and is caused by unavailable smtp server ;)

    Andreas Rust     -   webnova GmbH
    address@hidden  -
    Tel:  +49 (0)700 - 20 30 7000
    Fax:  +49 (0)700 - 20 30 8000
         Gemeinsam sind wir stark...

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