I just migrated a postgresql DB to a new server and wonder about
something ...
Server is running Monit 4.4-beta5 and before I started to mess with
postgres I hit the disable monitoring button on the webinterface.
When I was done with my testing and everything, I hit the enable
monitoring button and got the message "execution failed" in shiny red
Ofcourse postgres was up and running when I re-enabled monitoring, so I
wonder where this comes from.
Here some relevant stuff:
config part:
check process postgres with pidfile /usr/local/pgsql/data/postmaster.pid
start program = "/etc/init.d/postgresql start"
stop program = "/etc/init.d/postgresql stop"
group server
if failed host port 5432 then restart
if cpu > 70% for 5 cycles then restart
if 7 restarts within 10 cycles then timeout
(is this more or less ok ? I think so ... )
And here the excerpt from the log:
(ignore the mailserver stuff ... no mailserver available there currently
:) )
[CEST Oct 12 18:36:17] 'postgres' process is not running
[CEST Oct 12 18:36:17] Cannot open a connection to the mailserver
'localhost:25' -- Transport endpoint is not connected
[CEST Oct 12 18:36:17] No mail servers are available, aborting alert
[CEST Oct 12 18:36:17] 'postgres' trying to restart
[CEST Oct 12 18:36:17] 'postgres' start: /etc/init.d/postgresql
[CEST Oct 12 18:37:17] 'postgres' failed to start
---- doesnt really matter until here ...
[CEST Oct 12 18:37:17] Cannot open a connection to the mailserver
'localhost:25' -- Transport endpoint is not connected
[CEST Oct 12 18:37:17] No mail servers are available, aborting alert
Somewhere around this time (18:36) I disabled the monitoring --- nothing
dramatic or suspicious until here.
[CEST Oct 12 20:20:46] 'postgres' process is running with pid 21064
[CEST Oct 12 20:20:46] Cannot open a connection to the mailserver
'localhost:25' -- Transport endpoint is not connected
[CEST Oct 12 20:20:46] No mail servers are available, aborting alert
I re-enabled the monitoring at 20:20.
Monit sees the running process ... it is not supposed to notify me on
the enabling of monitoring, or ?
After initializing it comes up with the red "execution failed" message
--- which MAY come from the mailserver ?
[CEST Oct 12 20:27:31] 'postgres' stop: /etc/init.d/postgresql
[CEST Oct 12 20:27:34] 'postgres' stopped
[CEST Oct 12 20:27:34] Cannot open a connection to the mailserver
'localhost:25' -- Transport endpoint is not connected
[CEST Oct 12 20:27:34] No mail servers are available, aborting alert
[CEST Oct 12 20:27:37] 'postgres' start: /etc/init.d/postgresql
This stop/start I made over the webinterface aswell and afterwards all
was fine ...
... so, whats the message the execution failed shall give me ?
postgres was up and running fine, the message however irritates me and I
wonder if it makes sense at all in this case.
Andreas Rust - webnova GmbH
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