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Re: SSL problem

From: Christian Hopp
Subject: Re: SSL problem
Date: Mon, 24 Feb 2003 23:06:19 +0100 (CET)

On Sat, 22 Feb 2003, Klemen Vodopivec wrote:

> Hi!

Moin Klemen,

> I'm new to this list as well to monit. I just started using it, I
> think it's great, but have a problem.

I hope we can help you!

> I'd like to set up SSL monit HTTPD to monitor running processes over
> the net. I generated pem file using README.SSL documentation
> and set up configuration like
> set httpd port 2812
>   ssl enable
>   pemfile /etc/certs/monit.pem
>   allow localhost
>   allow my.machine
>   allow user:pass

That's okay like this.

> monit.pem has 0700 permissions.

These are sufficient permission.

> When I start monit it complains "Found 0 certificates", but I am able
> to connect to the server and view certificate info.

No complaining! (-:  You are not using any client certificates.  I should
change the message!

> Although, in syslog it shows up
> "monit: Openssl engine error during update_ssl_cert_data():
> error:00000000:lib(0):func(0):reason(0)"
> Any clue what could be wrong?

Looks to me like a "no-error".  See all these zeroes... looks like I have
called an error handler when it was not supposed to be. )-:  I gonna fix
it as soon as I goona be back from the business trip.

What OS and what openssl version are you using?  Is the certificate self
certified or CA certified?



Christian Hopp                                email: address@hidden
Institut für Elektrische Informationstechnik             fon: +49-5323-72-2113
TU Clausthal, Leibnizstr. 28, 38678 Clausthal-Zellerf.   fax: +49-5323-72-3197

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