Jeremy Henty <address@hidden> writes:
I am setting up monit for the first time to monitor AOLserver. ATM,
I am running it in passive mode just to see what it does and does
not notice. As a test I set the host to a bogus IP, and monit logs
these lines:
[GMT Jan 21 16:40:31] 'nsd' timed out when testing INET[] [HTTP]
[GMT Jan 21 16:40:31] Sendmail error: 451 See
On a general note, someone ought to cover D. J. Bernstein with tar and
feathers for reading the RFC 822 like the devil reads the bible. Uhm,
that aside, I suspect the problem is partly due to the passive mode.
It's probably not tested much and when I look at the code I see now
that there is an error:
- smtp_alert_failed is used in validate:do_restart when in passive
- In alert.c:smtp_alert the event is thus DO_FAILED but this is not
in the notify[] array further down in the same function and thus
trigger an alert_on_timestamp instead of a failed event.
(Martin, do you have time to fix this? If not, I can look into this a
bit later).