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Please help: monit alerts make qmail complain!

From: Jeremy Henty
Subject: Please help: monit alerts make qmail complain!
Date: 21 Jan 2003 16:54:05 +0000


I am setting up monit for the first time to monitor AOLserver.  ATM, I am 
running it in 
passive mode just to see what it does and does not notice.  As a test I set the 
host to 
a bogus IP, and monit logs these lines: 

[GMT Jan 21 16:40:31] 'nsd' timed out when testing INET[] [HTTP]
[GMT Jan 21 16:40:31] Sendmail error: 451 See

The URL is a qmail page complaining that monit is sending email messages that 
are not 
properly line-terminated.  I looked at sendmail.c and AFAICT this message has 
to come 
from a call to do_status() from inside sendmail().  But sendmail() seems to 
terminate all of its lines, so I am bewildered as to why qmail is complaining.  
ideas for tracking this one down?

Incidentally, when the server process actually died monit delivered a message 
any complaints from qmail!  Curiouser and curiouser!

I googled for monit+qmail and searched the list archives for qmail but found 

/etc/monitrc is: 

set daemon 60
set logfile /var/log/monit

check nsd with pidfile /data/users/aol30/log/
   mode passive
   host port 80 protocol http
   alert address@hidden

All suggestions gratefully received, 

Jeremy Henty 

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