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Re: Behaviour change request.

From: Jan-Henrik Haukeland
Subject: Re: Behaviour change request.
Date: 01 Oct 2002 17:12:11 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.0808 (Gnus v5.8.8) XEmacs/21.4 (Civil Service)

Eetu Rantanen <address@hidden> writes:

> > I'm not sure why you was able to actually kill this Java process.
> > Maybe it wasn't started from within monit in the first place and it
> > was a light-weight process (thread) in the JVM that become a zombie
> > (not unusual) and when you killed (without -9) the JVM gracefully
> > waited for all of it's threads and thereby removed the zombie from the
> > system?
> I forgot to mention, that the process was running under Solaris 8. The PID
> that was claimed to be a zombie was a single javaprocess (not a thread
> that had been forked by a parent-process).
> Next time, we'll have to try and gdb/strace it, but I wasn't too bright at
> 2.30AM ;-)
> What also came to my mind (And what Jani suggested earlier) is that if
> this is the wanted behaviour, why not add a statement such as alertmax or
> similar that would limit the amount of alerts monit sends.

As I said in another mail, it's clearly wrong for monit to send 200
alerts when a process has become a zombie. Enclosed is a patch that
will raise one alert and not check the process anymore.

Copy to the monit src directory and run, "patch < zombie.diff"

Attachment: zombie.diff
Description: zombie.diff

Jan-Henrik Haukeland

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