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[Mingw-cross-env-list] Failed to update xine-lib package

From: Alexandre Bacquart
Subject: [Mingw-cross-env-list] Failed to update xine-lib package
Date: Fri, 08 Jul 2011 16:38:11 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686 (x86_64); en-US; rv: Gecko/20110626 Icedove/3.1.11

Hi everybody,

Several months passed since I used MCE, so I decided to cleanup things, update & rebuild what I need. As for my biggest project (paused since months), it worked like a charm (except some trivial warnings about unused variables in last gcc version, that was my problem and it took me few minutes to fix). So, overall, at this point I must thank you all for maintaining MCE :)

But during the update of MCE, there was a little problem I'm just wondering about. Basically, I made:

$ hg pull -u


$ make update

         atk  2.0.1
.        atkmm  2.22.5
.        aubio  0.3.2
.        bfd  2.21.1
.        binutils  2.21.1
.        blas  1
.        boost  1.46.1
.        bzip2  1.0.6
.        cairo  1.10.2
.        cairomm  1.10.0
.        cblas  1
.        cppunit  1.12.1
.        cunit  2.1-2
.        curl  7.21.7
NEW      dbus  1.5.4 --> 1.5.2
.        dcmtk  3.6.0
.        devil  1.7.8
.        exiv2  0.21.1
.        expat  2.0.1
.        faad2  2.7
NEW      ffmpeg  0.7-rc1 --> 0.8
.        fftw  3.2.2
.        flac  1.2.1
.        fltk  1.3.0
.        fontconfig  2.8.0
.        freeglut  2.6.0
.        freeimage  3.15.0
Warning: Updates are temporarily disabled for package freetds.
.        freetds  0.91.dev.20110707RC2
.        freetype  2.4.5
.        fribidi  0.19.2
.        ftgl  2.1.3~rc5
.        gc  7.1
.        gcc  4.6.1
.        gcc-gmp  5.0.2
.        gcc-mpc  0.9
.        gcc-mpfr  3.0.1
Warning: Updates are temporarily disabled for package gd.
.        gd  2.0.35
.        gdal  1.8.0
.        gdb  7.2
.        gdk-pixbuf  2.22.1
.        geos  3.3.0
.        gettext
.        giflib  4.1.6
.        glew  1.6.0
.        glib  2.28.8
.        glibmm  2.28.2
.        gmp  5.0.2
NEW      gnutls  2.12.7 --> 2.12.7.a
.        graphicsmagick  1.3.12
.        gsl  1.14
.        gsoap  2.8.3
.        gst-plugins-base  0.10.35
.        gst-plugins-good  0.10.30
.        gstreamer  0.10.35
NEW      gtk2  2.24.4 --> 2.24.5
.        gtkglext  1.2.0
.        gtkglextmm  1.2.0
NEW      gtkmm2  2.24.0 --> 2.24.2
.        gtksourceview  2.10.5
NEW      gtksourceviewmm2  2.10.1 --> 2.10.2
NEW      guile  1.8.7 --> 2.0.2
.        id3lib  3.8.3
.        ilmbase  1.0.2
NEW      imagemagick  6.7.0-9 --> 6.7.0-10
.        jasper  1.900.1
.        jpeg  8c
.        lame  3.98.4
.        lapack  3.3.1
.        lcms  2.2
.        lcms1  1.19
.        libarchive  2.8.4
.        libass  0.9.12
.        libcroco  0.6.2
.        libdnet  1.11
.        libevent  2.0.12
.        libffi  3.0.9
.        libgcrypt  1.5.0
.        libgee  0.5.0
.        libgeotiff  1.3.0
.        libgomp  4.6.1
.        libgpg_error  1.10
.        libgsasl  1.6.1
.        libgsf  1.14.21
IGNORED  libical  0.46
.        libiconv  1.13.1
.        libidn  1.22
.        libircclient  1.3
.        liblo  0.26
.        libmad  0.15.1b
.        libmikmod  3.2.0-beta2
.        libmng  1.0.10
.        libntlm  1.3
.        liboauth  0.9.4
.        libodbc++  0.2.5
.        liboil  0.3.17
.        libpano13  2.9.18_rc2
.        libpaper  1.1.24+nmu1
NEW      libpng  1.5.4 --> 1.2.45
.        librsvg  2.34.0
.        libsamplerate  0.1.7
.        libshout  2.2.2
.        libsigc++  2.2.9
.        libsndfile  1.0.24
.        libtool  2.4
.        libunistring  0.9.3
.        libusb
.        libvpx  0.9.6
.        libxml2  2.7.8
.        libxslt  1.1.26
.        lua  5.1.4
.        matio  1.3.4
.        mingw-utils  0.4-1
.        mingwrt  3.18
.        muparser  1.34
.        mxml  2.6
.        nsis  2.46
.        ogg  1.2.2
.        old  0.17
.        openal  1.13
.        opencore-amr  0.1.2
.        openexr  1.7.0
NEW      openscenegraph  2.8.5 --> 3.0.0
.        openssl  1.0.0d
NEW      pango  1.28.4 --> 1.29.3
.        pangomm  2.28.2
.        pcre  8.12
.        pdcurses  3.4
.        pdflib_lite  7.0.5
.        pfstools  1.8.4
.        physfs  2.0.2
.        pixman  0.23.2
.        plotmm  0.1.2
.        plotutils  2.6
.        poco  1.4.1p1
.        popt  1.16
.        portaudio  19_20071207
.        postgresql  9.0.4
.        proj  4.7.0
.        pthreads  2-8-0
.        qt  4.7.3
.        readline  6.2
.        sdl  1.2.14
.        sdl_image  1.2.10
.        sdl_mixer  1.2.11
.        sdl_net  1.2.7
.        sdl_pango  0.1.2
.        sdl_sound  1.0.3
.        sdl_ttf  2.0.10
.        smpeg  0.4.5+cvs20030824
.        speex  1.2rc1
.        sqlite  3070701
IGNORED  suitesparse  3.6.1
.        t4k_common  0.1.1
.        taglib  1.7
.        theora  1.1.1
.        tiff  3.9.5
.        tinyxml  2.6.2
.        tre  0.8.0
.        vigra  1.7.1
.        vmime  0.9.1
.        vorbis  1.3.2
.        w32api  3.17
.        winpcap  4_1_2
.        wxwidgets  2.8.12
NEW      x264  20110626-2245 --> 20110707-2245
.        xerces  3.1.1
Makefile:214: *** Unable to update version number of package xine-lib. Stop.

Ooops. Well, about the 2 warnings for freetds & gd, I assume it's only temporary held packages on the head, then I ignore them (besides I don't need them). But for that last one, xine-lib (which I don't need too), make just stopped. I assume there are few packages following it, but one of them is undoubly zlib (which I depend on).

So what about xine-lib unable to update?

Is there a clean way to prevent make from stopping the update process then?

Or a way to update only zlib?



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