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Re: [Lynx-dev] Installing Lynx on Macbook Air

From: Travis Siegel
Subject: Re: [Lynx-dev] Installing Lynx on Macbook Air
Date: Thu, 20 May 2021 18:32:55 -0400
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It's up to you how you install it, but I strongly suggest installing from source, so you can guarantee you've got the latest version of lynx.

This is easily accomplished via installing the development environment in Xtools, then downloading the lynx source, and following the typical install instructions for typical unix software.  I.E.

./Configure, make clean, make, make install.

That's pretty much all there is to it.

Some folks swear by mac ports or the other one that precompiles software for macs, but the one and only time I tried to use mac ports, it hosed my system, so I refuse to ever use or recommend it for any reason, and besides, in general, installs from source are easy enough that macports isn't necessary anyhow, but depending on your experience level, macports may be easier for you.

In any case, once you're done installing it, simply open a terminal, and type lynx, and you're off and running.

It's pretty easy to use.

On 5/20/2021 5:43 PM, Peter Morales wrote:
Good afternoon.

My name is Peter G. Morales. The reason for the email is because I am
having some difficulty installing Lynx on my Macbook Air. Would you be able
to help me install it, or could you point me in the direction of where I
could learn how to install it?

I want to install Lynx on my Macbook Air because I am starting to get
involved with web development and I found out about your browser via MDN
Web Docs (here
MDN Web Docs says your browser is a text-based terminal web browser, great
for seeing how a site looks to the visually-impaired. I know this is an
important area for web development, which is why I would like to use your
web browser to test code in.

Thanks, in advance, for all your help. I look forward to hearing from you
soon. Be well.

Peter G. Morales
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