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Re: [lwip-users] Repeated DHCP requests.

From: Rogier Wolff
Subject: Re: [lwip-users] Repeated DHCP requests.
Date: Mon, 9 Oct 2023 16:53:55 +0200

On Mon, Oct 09, 2023 at 02:53:31PM +0200, Rogier Wolff wrote:
> Ok... Just added a debug message to netif_set_link_up in
> src/core/netif.c and... Nope: dhcp_network_changed is NOT called from
> there, at least I'm not seeing the debug message, and I don't see any
> other place where it gets called.

Tip to self. Make sure you upload the new modified version before

Sorry I forgot to upload the modified version with those debug
statements. So now the question becomes: Why is netif_set_link_up
called more than expected. I found a bare call in my own source. That
should only be called once during init, and the low-level-driver for
the phy has a call. I'll check which one gets called.


** R.E.Wolff@BitWizard.nl ** https://www.BitWizard.nl/ ** +31-15-2049110 **
**    Delftechpark 11 2628 XJ  Delft, The Netherlands.  KVK: 27239233    **
f equals m times a. When your f is steady, and your m is going down
your a is going up.  -- Chris Hadfield about flying up the space shuttle.

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