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[lwip-users] Repeated DHCP requests.

From: Rogier Wolff
Subject: [lwip-users] Repeated DHCP requests.
Date: Fri, 6 Oct 2023 13:51:12 +0200

Hi all, 

I have a project, and I noticed a while back that it would repeatedly
repeat its DHCP request. 

Yesterday I had intended to solve this and also do some other
maintenance on the code. I started with the latter and... the DHCP
problem disappeared.

However, this morning it had started again. 

Now you might say: it is supposed to re-validate the DHCP lease every
now and then. And I'd agree. However multiple times a second is WAY
too much.

I have now reverted the board to more stock "example" code: Way less
of my code in there. But it seems that now the problem only 
happens after a while. 

This is running on an RP2040 with hardwired ethernet through a
lan8720 PHY. 

Anybody seen such behaviour? What was the problem then? 

Why would LWIP restart the DHCP sequence? What could cause this? 
Where would I look to find the code responsible?


** R.E.Wolff@BitWizard.nl ** https://www.BitWizard.nl/ ** +31-15-2049110 **
**    Delftechpark 11 2628 XJ  Delft, The Netherlands.  KVK: 27239233    **
f equals m times a. When your f is steady, and your m is going down
your a is going up.  -- Chris Hadfield about flying up the space shuttle.

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