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[lwip-users] TCP Client handshakes but no data transmission

From: tirmalabenikasibeni
Subject: [lwip-users] TCP Client handshakes but no data transmission
Date: Tue, 30 Apr 2019 01:39:36 -0700 (MST)

Hello everyone, 

I am new in developing with LwIP and working on a TCP Client using RAW API,
FreeRTOS 9.0.0, LwIP 2.0.3, STM32H743BI. 
I can succesfully establish connection but cannot send or receive data. PCAP
file is attached. 
I wrote the code refer to tcpecho_client example with minimal changes and
can share if needed. I appreciate any help. 

Thank you! 

Btw an HTTP server (using netconn) is running simultaneously. 


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