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Re: [lwip-users] PPPoS TCP Connection Reject

From: Patrick Klos
Subject: Re: [lwip-users] PPPoS TCP Connection Reject
Date: Wed, 1 Aug 2018 14:15:01 -0400
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On 8/1/2018 11:00 AM, gzayzay wrote:
Hello All-

I am working with FreeRTOS + LWIP on a project using PPPoS. I have been able
to successfully connect to the network and obtain an IP address after the
PPP negotiation using a modem that we have on our embedded device.

If the PPP negotiation completes, then clearly the UART and serial line are working and passing data, and so is PPPoS.

Once PPP negotiation completes, on our embedded device, I start my server
application to listen for incoming connection on a particular port. Every
time I attempt to connect to the server application from a client, I am
getting a "Connection reject".

As far as the "Connection reject" on the TCP connection, you'll need to check your "accept" routine that handles the incoming new connection(s) - make sure it returns ERR_OK (or equivalent based on the API you're using).

I can successfully ping the device and get a ping response. The interesting
part is, whenever I set a breakpoint in the code where I except data/traffic
to be taken out of the UART to be passed to the lwip stack for processing, I
do not hit this breakpoint.

Workings pings gives further proof that the serial link is up and running properly.

I have placed a logic analyzer on the UART line and I do not see data when a
PPP session has been established. However, during the ppp negatation
process, this path is the only way data gets to the LWIP stack and it is
responding. My hypothesis is that the modem is receiving the traffic and
processing it internally instead of passing it through to the UART so that
the lwip stack can do the processing.

If you place a logic analyzer and don't see anything, I would guess you're not actually connecting the logic analyzer to either of the UART signals (or maybe the wrong UART?).

In view of the above, is there an option in LWIP that needs to be set for
PPP so that the modem passes data transparently? Are there some
configuration for LWIP that I need to set?

PPPoS is logically a different module from LwIP.  The PPPoS module packetizes the serial stream, presenting the LwIP interface with packets.  There is no such thing as passing data transparently from the modem to LwIP.

Patrick Klos
Klos Technologies, Inc.

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