---------- Forwarded message ----------
Yigal Hochberg <address@hidden>
Date: Thu, Feb 11, 2010 at 8:53 AM
Subject: Lwip and SNMP support
To: Christiaan Simons <
Thu Feb 11 2010
Christiaan Simons <
Dear Christiaan Simons,
DMH Software offers a portable SNMP-Agent (snmpv1, snmpv2c and a full
We integrated our DMH Advanced SNMP-Agent to Lwip (a request of one of
our customers who uses Lwip Ipstack).
Our SNMP-Agent is a replacement for the native Lwip SNMP-Agent you
wrote. You did a very nice work.
We would like to add the support for mib-ii as well. The problem is
that all the lwip SNMP-Agent is under LWIP_SNMP definition.
It would have been nice to have separate Compile-Time configuration:
(1) LWIP_SNMP which controls the lwip SNMP-Agent code
(2) LWIP_SNMP_MIB2 which controls the lwip code to access mib-ii so
other SNMP-Agents can use it. (counters and tables access without
snmp mib information).
Please let me know what you think.
Best regards,
Yigal Hochberg
DMH Software
PO Box 2714, Acton, MA 01720
Voice: 978-263-0526 Fax: 206-202-3741