----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, February 12, 2010 12:40
Subject: Re: [lwip-users] LWIP
>> Oh sorry, by the way I am using UC3A0512 device
with freeRTOS and LWIP 1.3.2
>> Any pointers would
If you're not too far into your project, I would suggest
taking a look at an NXP LPC23xx/24xx MCU. If you are interested in Enet
performance, those ARM7 parts have more speed and RAM than what you are
using, and RAM for buffer space for Enet is very important. The UC3A0512
only has 64k RAM. You can easily burn up half that RAM just on buffers
and such for Enet. I wouldn't do any serious Enet work without at least
96K for RAM, and having more is certainly a help.
FreeRTOS is fine, and I would also suggest you use lwIP in
RAW mode.
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