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[lwip-users] Updating from 0.5.3 to 0.6.2

From: Konrad, Guido
Subject: [lwip-users] Updating from 0.5.3 to 0.6.2
Date: Fri, 16 May 2003 14:03:33 +0200

Hi all,

I've migrated my MPC port of lwip to version 0.6.2. I've implemented the new
driver architecture, I've adopted sys_arch.c (timeout, ...) and removed the
netconn_delete bug. What I see is that ping works fine, but using http or
telnet hangs, means that I see no response. The debug log shows me that the
ESTABLISHED state is reached. Ping works further on. I append a log to this

Trying to use LWIP_EVENT_API leads to unresolved symbols and the following
bug in line 507 of file tcp_in.c:
        LWIP_ASSERT("pcb->accept != NULL", pcb->accept != NULL);   
pcb->accept not known. Is the event API ready to use?

Due to the case that CVS does not work with our proxy server I depend on zip
paket of lwip, which does not contain the proj and the arch part! (Is it
possible to add these files in future releases?) So I can't see if something
more has changed. 

Can perhaps anybody send me the latest CVS stable tree as gz or zip?

I really appreciate your help. What can I do to solve this problem? 

-- Guido Konrad


ip_input: p->len 40 p->tot_len 40
pbuf_header: old 10AD526 new 10AD53A (-20)
inet_chksum_pseudo(): checksumming pbuf 10AD4F8 (has next 0) 
lwip_chksum(10AD53A, 20)
inet: chksum: no odd byte
inet_chksum_pseudo(): pbuf chain lwip_chksum()=ffff
pbuf_header: old 10AD53A new 10AD54E (-20)
+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- tcp_input: flags ACK
tcp_receive: window update 64240
tcp_receive: slow start cwnd 1461
tcp_receive: ACK for 6511, unacked->seqno 6510:6511
tcp_receive: removing 6510:6511 from pcb->unacked
tcp_receive: queuelen 1 ... 0 (after freeing unacked)
tcp_receive: pcb->rttest 0 rtseq 6510 ackno 6511
tcp_output: nothing to send (0)
tcp_output: snd_wnd 64240, cwnd 1460, wnd 1460, seg == NULL, ack 6511
smf calling h=15E60(0)
sys_timeout: 10AA950 msecs=100 h=15E60 arg=0
..... 5 times
tcp_slowtmr: processing active pcb
smf calling h=15E60(0)
sys_timeout: 10AA950 msecs=100 h=15E60 arg=0
..... 5 times
tcp_slowtmr: processing active pcb
smf calling h=15E60(0)
sys_timeout: 10AA950 msecs=100 h=15E60 arg=0
..... 5 times
tcp_slowtmr: processing active pcb
smf calling h=15E60(0)
sys_timeout: 10AA950 msecs=100 h=15E60 arg=0
..... 5 times
tcp_slowtmr: processing active pcb
tcp_slowtmr: polling application
tcp_output: nothing to send (0)
tcp_output: snd_wnd 64240, cwnd 1460, wnd 1460, seg == NULL, ack 6511
sys_timeout: 10AA950 msecs=100 h=15E60 arg=0

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