Hi Henry,
You need to fix your network problems to get this to work, it's not
feasible to manually download the files.
Start of by trying to load a file from the GPP from a browser on the
same machine you have ltib installed, for example try accessing:
If that works, then use any proxy settings you have in the browser
settings in the .ltibrc ltib config file.
Regards, Stuart
On 03/07/12 10:54, Li Yuan-Lung wrote:
Hi Stuart,
After testing, I am still stuck at the rpm-4.0.4.tar.gz get
The error message is still like below:
$ cat /home/henry/prjs/hpgw/ltib/host_config.log
Processing platform: host support
Processing: rpm-fs
Build path taken because: no prebuilt rpm,
Can't get: rpm-4.0.4.tar.gz at ./ltib line 834.
Died at ./ltib line 2537.
Started: Tue Jul 3 17:48:06 2012
Ended: Tue Jul 3 17:48:09 2012
Elapsed: 3 seconds
VERSION : 11.4.1
CVS_VERSION : $Revision: 1.87 $ (Savannah)
These packages failed to build:
Build Failed
Is it possible for me to get the package manually or to check if
my firewall block the download link in the script?
Thank you.
2012/7/2 Stuart Hughes
Hi everyone,
I managed to get some time to test LTIB on Ubuntu 12.04
(Xubuntu, 32
bit). There were no significant changes needed, although I
checked in
some minor changes to clear some warning messages (the
force-debian one).
So if you want to try on Ubuntu 12.04 and you check-out the
latest from
CVS and follow these step, you should be successful.
---+ Steps to install LTIB on Ubuntu 12.04
Install dependencies (yours may vary):
sudo apt-get install g++ zlib1g-dev rpm
libncurses5-dev patch
sudo visudo
Add a line to enable sudo for your username. For example mine
is seh
and this is what I added at the end of the file:
seh ALL = NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/rpm,
Run ltib after CVS checkout:
Regards, Stuart