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[lmi] `mount --mount-commands` obsolete

From: Greg Chicares
Subject: [lmi] `mount --mount-commands` obsolete
Date: Tue, 1 Nov 2016 20:57:01 +0000
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I'm working on replacing 'echo -e' with 'printf' for portability, and
I just came across this line:
  restore_opt_mount=`mount --mount-commands 2>/dev/null | grep '"/opt"'`
which no longer does what it's supposed to do. Apparently, cygwin's
'mount' used to have a '--mount-commands' option, but no longer does:
  $/cygdrive/c[0]$mount --mount-commands
  mount: unknown option -- mount-commands
But...it seems that lmi was the primary user of that option:
I hate when that happens. Somehow I feel sure that this was a real
option that printed a set of 'mount' commands that would recreate
an existing mount table, which seems handy in rare cases: like 'mount'
with no option, but better. Or maybe it was just my 'magination, once
again, running away with me...but...I tell you I can visualize it all.
This couldn't be a dream, for too real it all seems...

  $/cygdrive/c[0]$mount |grep MinGW_
  C:/opt/lmi/MinGW-4_9_1 on /MinGW_ type ntfs (binary,user)
  $/cygdrive/c[0]$mount --mount-entries |grep MinGW_
  C:/opt/lmi/MinGW-4_9_1 /MinGW_ ntfs binary,user 0 0

So it's just an ancient typo. Now why doesn't *nix mount(8) have an
option like that?

| The -m option causes the mount utility to output the current mount table
| in a series of fstab entries. You can save this output as a backup when
| experimenting with the mount table. Copy the output to /etc/fstab to
| restore the old state. It also makes moving your settings to a different
| machine much easier.

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