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Re: [lmi] Group premium quotes: UI

From: Greg Chicares
Subject: Re: [lmi] Group premium quotes: UI
Date: Mon, 19 Oct 2015 00:14:02 +0000
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:31.0) Gecko/20100101 Icedove/31.3.0

On 2015-07-16 21:36, Vadim Zeitlin wrote:
> - "Print roster" sub menu stands out as the only item in the "Census" menu
>   to not have a bitmap

I've learned to accept that: it's the only item that
 - has no bitmap
 - has sub-items
and there's arguably a certain logic in linking those two attributes.

And I accept this:

> (and it can't have one, MSW doesn't support bitmaps
>   for the sub menu items without making them entirely owner drawn and we
>   almost certainly don't want to do this).

because msw pushes us in that direction, and we certainly aren't going
to use owner-drawn bitmaps to swim against this particular tide.

But do other platforms have this restriction?

Here's why I ask. The way I view this--and the way the toolbar actually
works--is that a generic "produce a roster" operation exists, symbolized
by 'roster*.png', which requires a choice between two roster varieties.
Thus, to me, 'roster*.png' really belongs with "Census | Print roster", so
 - given that msw can't handle it, I'll accept that platform limitation; but
 - if GTK can handle it, I'd like to show the bitmap on the menu.

IOW, I now regret one detail of what I originally committed here:
because it moves the bitmap to a single one of the suboptions. I'd like to
change HEAD this way...

     <object class="wxMenu">
         <label>Print r_oster</label>
+        <bitmap platform="win" stock_id="roster"/>
         <object class="wxMenuItem" name="print_group_roster">
             <label>Print r_oster to spreadsheet\tCtrl-Shift-O</label>
-            <bitmap platform="win" stock_id="roster"/>
             <help>Run and print group roster to a spreadsheet file</help>

...if GTK or some other platform would respect it. Otherwise, I'll do this:

         <object class="wxMenuItem" name="print_group_roster">
             <label>Print r_oster to spreadsheet\tCtrl-Shift-O</label>
-            <bitmap platform="win" stock_id="roster"/>
             <help>Run and print group roster to a spreadsheet file</help>

if no platform does what I have in mind.

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