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Re: [lmi] wx_test_expiry_dates.cpp

From: Greg Chicares
Subject: Re: [lmi] wx_test_expiry_dates.cpp
Date: Fri, 23 Jan 2015 17:41:53 +0000
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:31.0) Gecko/20100101 Icedove/31.3.0

On 01/23/2015 02:19 AM, Greg Chicares wrote:
> Good, because to clear my backlog of your patches

Finished now, I believe.

> I'm following this
> philosophy:
>   'Regression testing'? What's that? If it compiles, it is good;
>   if it boots up, it is perfect.
> I just hope that guy has somebody checking his work.

Okay, time for regression testing. It looks pretty good. I get
  default_update: ERROR (Assertion failure: A message box "Unable to read file 
every time, because I deliberately don't have that 'default.ill' file,
and I get
  input_validation: ERROR (Assertion '(error_message.substr(0, loc_pos))
with no password, as discussed yesterday; otherwise, every test passes.

/opt/lmi/bin[0]$./wx_test --ash_nazg --data_path=/opt/lmi/data
NOTE: starting the test suite
about_dialog_version: started
About dialog version string is "20150116T1757Z".
time=234ms (for about_dialog_version)
about_dialog_version: ok
benchmark_census: started
Run case for MSEC_20040729_field_test.cns: 743ms elapsed
Print case to PDF for MSEC_20040729_field_test.cns: 21488ms elapsed
Print case to spreadsheet for MSEC_20040729_field_test.cns: 1213ms elapsed
Run case for MSEC_20040729_SL14s.cns: 498ms elapsed
Print case to PDF for MSEC_20040729_SL14s.cns: 28720ms elapsed
Print case to spreadsheet for MSEC_20040729_SL14s.cns: 1373ms elapsed
Run case for MSEC_EGL_20040729.cns: 511ms elapsed
Print case to PDF for MSEC_EGL_20040729.cns: 25046ms elapsed
Print case to spreadsheet for MSEC_EGL_20040729.cns: 1322ms elapsed
Run case for MSEC_SL10_20040729.cns: 463ms elapsed
Print case to PDF for MSEC_SL10_20040729.cns: 27891ms elapsed
Print case to spreadsheet for MSEC_SL10_20040729.cns: 1654ms elapsed
time=113091ms (for benchmark_census)
benchmark_census: ok
calculation_summary: started
time=93387ms (for calculation_summary)
calculation_summary: ok
configurable_settings: started
configurable_settings: skipped (not running distribution tests)
create_open_census: started
time=309ms (for create_open_census)
create_open_census: ok
create_open_database: started
time=4629ms (for create_open_database)
create_open_database: ok
create_open_gpt: started
time=1253ms (for create_open_gpt)
create_open_gpt: ok
create_open_illustration: started
time=3954ms (for create_open_illustration)
create_open_illustration: ok
create_open_mec: started
time=841ms (for create_open_mec)
create_open_mec: ok
create_open_policy: started
time=1132ms (for create_open_policy)
create_open_policy: ok
create_open_rounding: started
time=2529ms (for create_open_rounding)
create_open_rounding: ok
create_open_strata: started
time=2219ms (for create_open_strata)
create_open_strata: ok
create_open_text: started
time=243ms (for create_open_text)
create_open_text: ok
default_input: started
default_input: skipped (not running distribution tests)
default_update: started
default_update: ERROR (Assertion failure: A message box "Unable to read file 
'C:/etc/opt/lmi/default.ill'. [file /lmi/src/lmi/illustration_document.cpp, 
line 110] " was shown unexpectedly, expected wxDialog. [file 
/opt/lmi/local/include/wx-3.1/wx/testing.h, line 315, in ReportFailure()].)
expiry_dates: started
Expiry dates: begin=2450449 (1996-12-31), end=2458849 (2019-12-31)
time=0ms (for expiry_dates)
expiry_dates: ok
input_sequences: started
time=1644ms (for input_sequences)
input_sequences: ok
input_validation: started
time=855ms (for input_validation)
input_validation: ok
paste_census: started
time=3304ms (for paste_census)
paste_census: ok
pdf_census: started
time=5361ms (for pdf_census)
pdf_census: ok
pdf_illustration: started
time=3344ms (for pdf_illustration)
pdf_illustration: ok
validate_output_illustration: started
time=3006ms (for validate_output_illustration)
validate_output_illustration: ok
validate_output_mec: started
time=439ms (for validate_output_mec)
validate_output_mec: ok
time=241821ms (for all tests)
FAILURE: 1 out of 23 tests failed.
NOTE: 2 tests were skipped

./wx_test --mellon --data_path=/opt/lmi/data
default_update: ERROR (Assertion failure: A message box "Unable to read file 
'C:/etc/opt/lmi/default.ill'. [file /lmi/src/lmi/illustration_document.cpp, 
line 110] " was shown unexpectedly, expected wxDialog. [file 
/opt/lmi/local/include/wx-3.1/wx/testing.h, line 315, in ReportFailure()].)
FAILURE: 1 out of 23 tests failed.
NOTE: 3 tests were skipped

./wx_test --data_path=/opt/lmi/data
default_update: ERROR (Assertion failure: A message box "Unable to read file 
'C:/etc/opt/lmi/default.ill'. [file /lmi/src/lmi/illustration_document.cpp, 
line 110] " was shown unexpectedly, expected wxDialog. [file 
/opt/lmi/local/include/wx-3.1/wx/testing.h, line 315, in ReportFailure()].)
input_validation: ERROR (Assertion '(error_message.substr(0, loc_pos)) == 
("Input validation problems for '':\n" "COI multiplier entered is '0', but it 
must contain at least one number other than zero.\n")' failed (expected Input 
validation problems for '': COI multiplier entered is '0', but it must contain 
at least one number other than zero.  vs observed Input validation problems for 
'': Lowest COI multiplier entered is 0.85, but 1 is the lowest multiplier 
allowed. ). [file
/lmi/src/lmi/wx_test_input_validation.cpp, line 94]
FAILURE: 2 out of 23 tests failed.
NOTE: 10 tests were skipped

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