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[lmi] Unit test not passing with libxml++

From: Greg Chicares
Subject: [lmi] Unit test not passing with libxml++
Date: Sun, 15 Oct 2006 18:32:58 +0000
User-agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20060516)

Evgeniy--I've merged the old 'libxmlpp' branch, creating a new
'gnome-xml-branch' due to changes in the main trunk. I guess
this is the "Flying Fish technique":


This unit test passes cleanly in MAIN, but has a problem on that
new branch:

  Running input_test:

  ** uncaught exception: std::invalid_argument: Attempt to \
  convert string '' from type Ss to type i found nothing valid \
  to convert.

  **** returning with error code 200
  **********  errors detected; see stdout for details  ***********

Would you mind taking a look at it? Perhaps I've merged the old
branch incorrectly, but I just can't see how.

This message
  "Document not well-formed."
appears when I try to load a saved '.ill' or '.cns' file, but I
imagine that problem is covered by the unit test, and the unit
test is probably much easier to debug.

BTW, I'm using
on msw, and gcc-3.4.2 . Everything compiles and links.

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