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Re: [lmi] Building libxml++

From: Evgeniy Tarassov
Subject: Re: [lmi] Building libxml++
Date: Wed, 4 Oct 2006 16:52:01 +0200

On 10/4/06, Wendy Boutin <address@hidden> wrote:
   export PKG_CONFIG='pwd'/pkg-config
   export LIBXML_LDFLAGS="-L/usr/local/lib -lxml2"
Evgeniy--if, after reading my explanations below (searching for your name
will take you there quickly), you see reasons why these diversions are
incorrect, I'd be interested in understanding them.

Wendy--they are 100% correct. The second point
(s/LIBXML_LDFLAGS/LIBXML_LIBS/) is due to my mistake, i've copy/pasted
a wrong variable name.
The first one is relevant only if one want to build the library by
configuring it in other directory than library distribution root.
export PKG_CONFIG='pwd'/pkg-config
expands to an absolute path to our empty-stub pkg-config file. Myself
i was trying to compile the library in a subdirectory
(<library-root>/mingw-build) therefor i've added that `pwd` chunk. But
then it appeared that library provides some pregenrated include files,
which, if not overriden with correct values for the current platform,
could break the build process. That's why we should compile in the
library root and thus, as you have stated above, we could skip that
`pwd` chunk from PKG_CONFIG environment variable.

Thank you very much for your corrected version of libraries build process guide!


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