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Re: [Linphone-users] Account issue

From: François Grisez
Subject: Re: [Linphone-users] Account issue
Date: Wed, 07 Sep 2016 17:16:44 +0200
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When did you try to create your account ?


I ask because our e-mail server was in some blacklists and I solved that issue yesterday. So, the account creation should work fine today.


Beside, when an account has not be activated, it is automatically removed after 24 hours. Then, you may be try to create it again.


Best regards,

François Grisez

Software Engineer

Belledonne Communications

On Wednesday, September 7, 2016 10:09:49 AM CEST BatCenter wrote:

When I opened my account, I never received my activation e-mail. When I try use the acct., I get an error message telling me that I haven't activated my account and directed as to go back and click on the link in the activation e-mail -- tyre very thing that I never received.

When I try to sign in to the account, I get an error message yelling me that no such account exists.

I tried to just go back and create the same account again. But, then I got an error message telling me that an account with that name already exists!

This is a classic Catch-22 scenario!

I would otherwise just abandon that particular username and create an account under another name and/or e-mail address. But, this particular name and e-mail address has special meaning to me. So, where this is just a correctable snafu that shouldn't even be be occurring, I figured it'd make sense to try to get it rectified.

Besides, under the circumstances, I'm not even sure what'd happen if I tried to use that same e-mail address again.

I'm out of ideas. Does anyone more how to reset the Sony, so I can try again?

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