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Re: [Linphone-users] linphone access when a firewall is involved...

From: William Bulley
Subject: Re: [Linphone-users] linphone access when a firewall is involved...
Date: Fri, 16 Jun 2006 11:21:23 -0400
User-agent: Mutt/

According to Simon Morlat <address@hidden>:
> Did you entered your firewall address in the network tab of the config box ?

In the "Preferences -> Network" window I wasn't sure if I should check
the "NAT traversal options (experimental)" enable check box since it
is clearly labeled "experimental".  I tried it both ways (checked and
un checked).  When checked, it was not clear to me which address was
required in the "Firewall's external ip address (in dot notations)".

My firewall has two ehternet ports: one faces the internal LAN ans has
a non-routeable, RFC-1918 net-ten address, the other faces my DSL box
(which is configured as an ethernet bridge).  I assume that the address
to put in the box is the latter.  Is that correct?  I even tried to use
the NAT address of my linphone system (the external static IP address
of that system on my internal LAN).  If I use the external IP address
of my firewall, does that have any effect on the SIP address I use for

Stated another way:

My linphone system is 10.a.b.c on my internal LAN, and has external
static IP address 68.d.e.f so I have been using <sip:address@hidden> and
NOT <sip:address@hidden> for obvious reasons.  If my firewall is known as
68.x.y.z on its outward facing ethernet port, do I use that (68.x.y.z)
address or 68.d.e.f in the NAT box in the "Preferences -> Network" window?



William Bulley                     Email: address@hidden

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