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Re: Cannot identify a missing font for desired Lilypond output

From: Jean Abou Samra
Subject: Re: Cannot identify a missing font for desired Lilypond output
Date: Sat, 13 May 2023 23:25:01 +0200
User-agent: Evolution 3.48.1 (3.48.1-1.fc38)

Le samedi 13 mai 2023 à 23:12 +0200, Volodymyr Prokopyuk a écrit :
Hi Jean,

I do not use any explicit font family in the source code at all. I assume that the desired font is the default for Lilypond and is Emmentaler. Is the Emmentaler font installed automatically when Lilypond is installed or the font has to be installed separately? Is it installed in the system fonts or as a LaTeX font?

Hmm... That's pretty strange. If I compile

\markup \bold "А вже ясне сонечко"

in 2.24.1, with the Cairo backend, I get a PDF that looks like your "old" (good) PDF, and the font is C059.

Note that Emmentaler is not a text font but a music font, which is indeed LilyPond's default for music glyphs (and is developed together with LilyPond). The default text font for serif text is the C059 font. It should always be installed with LilyPond. In ArchLinux, that is achieved by making ghostscript a dependency of LilyPond.

So I don't understand why the font is not found on your system.

Can you try to narrow down the problem? There are a few things:

- Does it give the same bad output without the Cairo backend?
- Are you indeed using the ArchLinux lilypond package? If so, can you try the binaries from ?
- Can you send the output from "lilypond -dshow-available-fonts"?

LilyPond's font system has nothing to do with LaTeX's, so LaTeX font packages are irrelevant for LilyPond, only the normal system fonts are searched.

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