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Re: Cannot identify a missing font for desired Lilypond output

From: Volodymyr Prokopyuk
Subject: Re: Cannot identify a missing font for desired Lilypond output
Date: Sat, 13 May 2023 23:12:38 +0200

Hi Jean,

I do not use any explicit font family in the source code at all. I assume that the desired font is the default for Lilypond and is Emmentaler. Is the Emmentaler font installed automatically when Lilypond is installed or the font has to be installed separately? Is it installed in the system fonts or as a LaTeX font?

Thank you,

On Sat, May 13, 2023 at 11:06 PM Jean Abou Samra <> wrote:
Le samedi 13 mai 2023 à 22:49 +0200, Volodymyr Prokopyuk a écrit :

I'm trying to compile a score PDF from exactly the same Lilypond source on a different Linux Arch based system. The installation procedure of Lilypond 2.25.4 is exactly the same on both old and new systems. The dependencies are yay -S fontforge t1utils dblatex tex-gyre-fonts texlive-langcyrillic exactly the same on both systems. The fonts used in the score PDF compiled on the new system are different and not desired in comparison with the score PDF compiled on the old system. Both score PDFs are attached. I'm using the Cairo backend in both systems.

I understand that some fonts are missing on the new system, but I do not know how to check which ones are missing. Is there a way in Lilypond or the system itself to find out which font is missing?

Do you really use lots of fonts in your document? Is it impractical to just check what fonts you are using and whether they are installed on the new system?

(Tools like `pdffonts` or Evince's document fonts list unfortunately don't tell much on your PDFs; my guess is that you used a variable font that got instantiated by Cairo.)

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