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Re: Anybody else playing with GPT4 and Lilypond?

From: Curt McDowell
Subject: Re: Anybody else playing with GPT4 and Lilypond?
Date: Wed, 29 Mar 2023 18:01:54 -0700
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I use quite a bit for LilyPond. It almost never gives a correct or directly useful answer, but often gives me ideas where I can continue with LilyPond docs to figure out a solution. It's definitely good at explaining how code fragments work if you paste them in. This is a very similar situation to another esoteric language I use, OpenSCAD. These languages don't benefit from anywhere near the amount of training data that's available for languages like C++ and Python. That should improve over time, but for now it's a crap-shoot.

Incidentally, I found Bing (supposedly based on GPT-4) is much worse than, despite its ability to look up info on the web, and often just says it can't find anything.


On 3/29/2023 3:43 PM, Saul Tobin wrote:
I've seen some examples of other people succeeding in getting ChatGPT with GPT4 to compose simple music in other text based music formats. I've had limited success getting it to output Lilypond code. It is able to correctly structure the code with a score block, nested contexts, and appropriately named variables, and bar checks at the end of each measure. It seems to struggle to create rhythms that fit within the time signature beyond extremely simple cases. It also seems to struggle a lot to understand what octave pitches will be in when using relative mode.

It also seems to have a lot of trouble keeping track of the relationship between notes entered in different simultaneous expressions. Just asking it to repeat back which notes appear in each voice on each beat, GPT4 frequently gives stubbornly incorrect answers about the music it generated. This makes it very difficult to improve its output by giving feedback.

I'm curious whether anybody else has tried playing with this. I have to imagine that GPT4 has the potential to produce higher quality Lilypond output, given some of the other impressive things it can do. Perhaps it needs to be provided with a large volume of musical repertoire in Lilypond format.

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