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Re: How can I align text to notes with bars? (lyuser: message 4 of 20)

From: Markus Grunwald
Subject: Re: How can I align text to notes with bars? (lyuser: message 4 of 20)
Date: Tue, 27 Oct 2020 20:30:00 +0100
User-agent: mu4e 1.4.13; emacs 26.3


I'm confused (again...). I would expect that in the followig
snippet, each note gets one syllable:

1) Manual beams will indicate melismata, causing one LyricText to
cover multiple notes.  This default behavior can be disabled.
That was new for me :)

2) LilyPond uses a double hyphen "--" to indicate a centered
LyricHyphen between two LyricTexts. Saying "letz-te" counts as a
single LyricText.
... and I confuse those every time :(

Thanks for your solution :)

And I apologize for messing up the format of my mail's attachment. I'm still newish to mu4e and that happens, unfortunately...

Markus Grunwald

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