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Re: Hairpin solid with dashed end

From: Thomas Morley
Subject: Re: Hairpin solid with dashed end
Date: Wed, 21 Feb 2018 10:57:33 +0100

2018-02-21 3:25 GMT+01:00 Andrew Bernard <address@hidden>:
> Is there any example of how to make a hairpin with normal solid lines, but
> dashed at the end, say the last quarter or so? [Yep, some new complexity
> notation again.]
> Andrew

Hi Andrew,

some time ago I made the code below.
It will not work with a niente-circle and at line-breaks the behaviour
is not limitrd to single part of a broken Hairpin.
Nevertheless it might be a starting-point.

#(define (solid-dashed-print-proc grob startx starty endx endy)
  (let* ((dash-def (ly:grob-property grob 'dash-definition))
           (* (layout-line-thickness grob)
              (ly:grob-property grob 'thickness 0.1))))
    (if (null? dash-def)
        (ly:line-interface::line grob startx starty endx endy)
        (reduce ly:stencil-add empty-stencil
            (lambda (dash-def-elt)
              (let* ((start-x
                       (+ startx (* (- endx startx) (first dash-def-elt))))
                       (+ starty (* (- endy starty) (first dash-def-elt))))
                       (+ startx (* (- endx startx) (second dash-def-elt))))
                       (+ starty (* (- endy starty)  (second dash-def-elt)))))
                    (list 'dashed-line
                      ;; thickness
                      ;; on
                      (third dash-def-elt)
                      ;; off
                      (- 1 (fourth dash-def-elt)) ;; calculation correct?
                      ;; x-dest
                      (- end-x start-x)
                      ;; y-dest
                      (- end-y start-y)
                      ;; phase
                    ;; x-ext
                    (cons start-x (- end-x start-x))
                    ;; y-ext
                    (ordered-cons 0 (- end-y start-y)))
                  (cons start-x start-y))))

#(define ((open-hairpin open-gap close-gap) grob)
   (let* ((stencil (ly:hairpin::print grob))
          (thick (layout-line-thickness grob))
          (dir (ly:grob-property grob 'grow-direction))
          (X-ext (ly:stencil-extent stencil X))
          (Y-ext (ly:stencil-extent stencil Y))
          (width (- (interval-length X-ext) thick))
          (height (- (interval-length Y-ext) thick))
          (scaled-height (* height (max open-gap close-gap)))
          (scaled-gap (* height (min open-gap close-gap)))
              (/ (if (= dir -1) scaled-height scaled-gap) 2)
              (/ (if (= dir -1) scaled-gap scaled-height) 2))))
         (ly:stencil-scale upper-stil-part 1 -1))
       (cons (interval-start X-ext) (interval-start Y-ext)))))

  \once \override Hairpin.dash-definition =
    #'((0    0.7    1    1)
       (0.7  1.0    0.4  0.75))
  \override Hairpin.stencil = #(open-hairpin 0 1.0)
  c'1\fff\> c'1 c'2 c'2\pppp\!


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