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Re: Roman Numeral placement

From: Thomas Morley
Subject: Re: Roman Numeral placement
Date: Wed, 22 Apr 2015 02:38:42 +0200

2015-04-22 2:20 GMT+02:00 Simon Albrecht <address@hidden>:
> Hi Harm,
> very impressive, but don’t you also think that it’s a little overkill to
> launch such big efforts on this small task? If it were on a larger scale,
> the automation would be more efficient, but with myself I observe that I
> tend to invest far more time into using as much automation as possible than
> I’d have needed with simpler code.

Well, typing the original file must have last some time as well and
such a task is error-prone, at least I detected some.
Btw, the 'multipleTranspose'-procedure comes from
Thanks David K.!
and is far less known...

> One comment I added below…
> Yours, Simon
> Am 22.04.2015 um 01:47 schrieb Thomas Morley:
>> 2015-04-22 1:32 GMT+02:00 Thomas Morley <address@hidden>:
>>> 2015-04-21 19:34 GMT+02:00 SonusProj . <address@hidden>:
>>>> Attached (for ease of reading this post, code not embedded) is a simple
>>>> project that has a staff for C Major and all Major flat keys.  Above
>>>> each
>>>> 7th chord is the chord name.
>>>> I want to add below the chord, treble clef, the associated Roman numeral
>>>> description of each chord.
>>>> I.E. on the C Major I would have I, the Dm7 would have ii7 with the 7 in
>>>> superscript, the Em7 would have iii7 with the 7 in superscript, etc.
>>>> I see several avenues for this but I don't see an avenue where I can
>>>> write
>>>> the code once and use many times. I want the Roman numerals to appear
>>>> for
>>>> all keys and don't want an overly clutter code.
>>>> Can someone point me in the correct direction?
>>>> Best regards,
>>>> Lance
>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>> lilypond-user mailing list
>>>> address@hidden
>>> Hi,
>>> how about:
>>> \version "2.18.2"
>>> \header {
>>>    title = "Root Position 7th Chords"
>>>    composer = "Lance James"
>>> }
>>> diatonicScale =  { c d e f g a b }
>>> chrd = { <c' e' g' b'>1 }
>>> multipleModalTransposes =
>>> #(define-music-function (parser location m music)(ly:music? ly:music?)
>>>    (music-clone m
>>>     'elements
>>>     (map (lambda (pitch)
>>>           (ly:music-property
>>>             #{ \modalTranspose c $pitch $diatonicScale \context Bottom
>>> $music #}
>>>             'element))
>>>          (event-chord-pitches m))))
>>> multipleTransposes =
>>> #(define-music-function (parser location m music)(ly:music? ly:music?)
>>>    (music-clone m
>>>     'elements
>>>     (map (lambda (pitch)
>>>           (ly:music-property #{ \transpose c $pitch $music #} 'element))
>>>          (event-chord-pitches m))))
>>> #(define (note-name->roman-number-markup pitch lowercase?)
>>>    "Return roman-number-markup for @var{pitch}."
>>>      (make-simple-markup
>>>        (vector-ref
>>>          #("i" "ii" "iii" "iv" "v" "vi" "vii")
>>>          (ly:pitch-notename pitch))))
>> %% more concise:
>> #(define (note-name->roman-number-markup pitch lowercase?)
>>    "Return roman-number-string for @var{pitch}."
>>    (vector-ref #("i" "ii" "iii" "iv" "v" "vi" "vii")
> or
>      #("I" "ii" "iii" "IV" "V" "vi" "vii")
> in order to differentiate between major and minor.
>>   (ly:pitch-notename pitch))

For that purpose better use:

#(define (note-name->roman-number-markup pitch lowercase?)
  "Return roman-number-string for @var{pitch}."

  (define (conditional-string-downcase str condition)
    (if condition
        (string-downcase str)

      (vector-ref #("I" "II" "III" "IV" "V" "VI" "VII")
(ly:pitch-notename pitch))

and uncomment chordNameLowercaseMinor = ##t in the second ChordNames-context

>>> \score {
>>>    \new PianoStaff
>>>      <<
>>>        \new ChordNames
>>>          \multipleTransposes
>>>            { c f bes ees aes des ges ces }
>>>            \multipleModalTransposes \diatonicScale \chordmode { \chrd }
>>>        \new Staff
>>>          \multipleTransposes
>>>            { c f bes, ees aes, des, ges, ces }
>>>            {
>>>              \key c \major
>>>              \multipleModalTransposes \diatonicScale \chrd
>>>              \break
>>>              \bar "||"
>>>            }
>>>        \new ChordNames
>>>          \with {
>>>            minorChordModifier = ""
>>>            %chordNameLowercaseMinor = ##t
>>>            majorSevenSymbol = "7+" %#whiteTriangleMarkup
>>>            chordRootNamer = #note-name->roman-number-markup
>>>            \remove "Staff_performer"
>>>          }
>>>          \repeat unfold 8
>>>            \multipleModalTransposes \diatonicScale \chordmode { \chrd }
>>>       \new Staff {
>>>         \clef bass
>>>         \multipleTransposes
>>>           { c f bes ees aes des ges ces' }
>>>           {
>>>             \key c \major
>>>             \multipleModalTransposes \diatonicScale \transpose c c,,
>>> \chrd
>>>           }
>>>         \bar "|."
>>>       }
>>>      >>
>>>    \layout {
>>>      \context {
>>>        \Staff
>>>        explicitKeySignatureVisibility = #end-of-line-invisible
>>>        printKeyCancellation = ##f
>>>      }
>>>    }
>>>    \midi { }
>>> }
>>> Cheers,
>>>    Harm
>> _______________________________________________
>> lilypond-user mailing list
>> address@hidden

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