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Re: A thought on Windows Experience

From: Urs Liska
Subject: Re: A thought on Windows Experience
Date: Mon, 09 Dec 2013 09:34:09 +0100
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Am 09.12.2013 07:28, schrieb Carl Peterson:
On Mon, Dec 9, 2013 at 1:12 AM, James Harkins <address@hidden> wrote:
Carl's two-column approach is pretty much what I had in mind. Although, he suggests this would be only a slight improvement. I think it could be more than that. Suppose we introduce the downloads with a couple of paragraphs across the top:

IMPORTANT: A complete working environment for LilyPond consists of two components: LilyPond itself, and a music editor. If you have installed only one of these, then you're not experiencing LilyPond's full power.

NEW USERS: After installing LilyPond for your operating system, review the editors in the right-hand column and install one of them. Use the editor as your primary LilyPond interface.

I didn't intend my statement to be intended as my thinking it is only a slight improvement. I meant primarily that regardless of however slight it *might* be, it is an improvement, nonetheless.

The page flow I usually see is something like:

Front page --> Download page.

We have most of that. I think we need to find some way to make the front-ends like Frescobaldi and Denemo clearly visible on the downloads page. Go ahead and put in the disclaimer that these aren't maintained by the LP project itself (just to try to stave off confusion).

I see the following needs:

Do what you (and some others) say above: Edit the text of the "Download" page to make explicit that you _do_ need _any_ editing environment and that this is separate from the LilyPond download.

Rename "Easier Editing" to "Editing"
After all, that's what we're talking about here. While technically you could argue "Editing" can be done with any text editor and "Easier Editing" is done with dedicated tools this isn't relevant for someone looking for initial information.
If I were looking at the website the first time I'd probably think: "Easier Editing? OK, let's give the default tools a try first. If I decide to stick with that program I can always go back and look for "easier Editing"."

Add an introductory text at the top of the "Editing" page.

(_slightly_ OT, but important anyway: improve the structure on the "Introduction" and "Features" page from the perspective of that imaginary new user.

The question that remains in my mind is whether it is more beneficial to redirect to the project site (to get specific install instructions) or to hotlink the install binaries. It's been awhile since I've installed an LP front-end  to remember whether there are particular installation things that have to happen outside of download and run (I know there is for Frescobaldi for Mac, as has been discussed numerous times on this list). Perhaps coordinate with the people on the respective projects to arrange for a download link that always provides the latest stable version?

I suggest to link to the project page in any case.
If it's possible to link to a "latest stable binary" then do this additionally.


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