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Re: Copyright for specific scores in a book

From: James
Subject: Re: Copyright for specific scores in a book
Date: Sat, 21 Jan 2012 22:06:42 +0000


On 21 January 2012 17:49, Christopher R. Maden <address@hidden> wrote:
> I am working on a songbook which is copyright by an organization, but
> specific songs use (with permission) arrangements by other publishers.
> When I assert copyright on the specific scores, in the score header,
> LilyPond appears to ignore this.  Is there any way (other than just
> using text markup) to get the copyright info to show up?

Well if you look in

It explains things, although not specifically how to do this, but
using the information here and information from
file which defines many of these rules for how book and score part
titles work.

I came up with a bit of a crude method that might be good enough for you.

I've attached your file with my modifications here:

but basically with a bit of trial and error I commented out the
print-all-headers in your \paper { } block, added the scoreTitleMarkup
= \markup { .. } block within your \paper. This variable is taken from
the directly and then I modified it.

I made sure that the \header {} *inside* the \score { ... } construct
contained the copyright and the header for each score (hence
scoreTitleMarkup) and left the \header *outside* the \score { }
constructs but inside the \book { ... } with the main header.

Now the 'hack' was to add the two \fill-line { \null } lines inside
the scoreTitleMarkup as I couldn't workout how to move the score title
away from the main title - just add more instances of this \fill-line
to add more 'line space'.

What I couldn't work out (apart from the \null as line spacing) was
how to put the copyright on the *bottom* of the page. I also added
some \huge \larger \bold etc markups to show you how you can fiddle
with the sizes if you want to.

It isn't as elegant as I am sure it could be, but it seems to work ok.

Oh I used 2.14.1 as that is what I have installed but I expect this
still to be ok for 2.12.

Hope this was useful (I certainly learnt a few things doing this).



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