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Re: centering text on a measure

From: David Nalesnik
Subject: Re: centering text on a measure
Date: Thu, 15 Sep 2011 19:39:01 -0500

Hi, Harm --

On Thu, Sep 15, 2011 at 6:18 PM, harm6 <address@hidden> wrote:

I tested your definitions with a longer example using StaffGroup and
commented the not used parts with %{ ... %}. (see code below)
The log states: ERROR: Wrong type (expecting pair): ()

And now the strangest thing: If I uncomment "two" it works!! ("two" is a
copy of "one" and not called in the active StaffGroup!!!)
If I completely delete "two" out of the file it doesn't work.
If I comment eyery line of "two" with % it works!!
Some other combinations of commenting in/out parts of the code gives the
same result.

I've never heard of such a strange behaviour.

Neither have I ...  Is the file as you send it supposed to create an error?  Running it exactly as you sent it, I get none!  I've tried every combination of uncommenting this and that block, and I get no errors.  But I have noticed what you're talking about, where the same ly code works in one version of the file, but not another; or, ly code that causes an error works after, say, adding an extra note at the end of the example, then removing it.  Maddeningly, I can't come up with an example that causes the error for you or someone else to try!

Anyway, thank you for testing this out :)

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