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Compilation setup (Was: Modules)

From: Hans Aberg
Subject: Compilation setup (Was: Modules)
Date: Tue, 20 May 2008 10:38:07 +0200

On 20 May 2008, at 04:42, Han-Wen Nienhuys wrote:

My original reply was to Karl Hammar said:

I would be nice to be able to do like

 lilypond ..

i.e. treat .. as if they where included in, without
having to say so in

to which I said it is not needed with the Haskell system. But I think there were some discussions about making it easier to share code, just set some
local fonts.

I wouldn't be against a -dconcat-args flag, which would concat all the
argument contents and then run lily over the result.

You have to keep in mind though, that this make life more difficult
for others if you ever ship your .ly files to others.

I felt this, too, that it would lead to C-like setups, which are complicated to maintain. In Haskell, one can write
  ghc --make A.hs
where A.hs contains a top node "main".

C and Haskell have in common that one can produce separate object code components which can be linked together later, thus saving overall compile time. So if Lilypond could produce (if usable) separate compiles (like score sections or part) which later are linked together, then each such unit might be a module. Then I think the Haskell system, where each file from within contains the information for a complete compile, is simpler to use.

Haskell has a default module "Prelude", which can be removed by importing it explicitly. So also in this case, a startup command for removing it is unnecessary.

If people want to share code, and find it difficult to pick together package, the idea of a lilypond --make-package comes to my mind. Instead of producing a PDF, it would pick together say a .tgz package.

  Hans Ã…berg

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