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Re: vertical braces in the lyrics - I'm stuck

From: Timothy C Litwiller
Subject: Re: vertical braces in the lyrics - I'm stuck
Date: Mon, 14 Apr 2008 20:52:35 -0500
User-agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20080213)

Neil Puttock wrote:
Hi Tim,

On 14/04/2008, Tim Litwiller <address@hidden> wrote:
I am really stuck and would appreciate some help.  I have tried just about
every which way there is and I apparently don't understand the concept here.

 I am trying to enter braces at the beginning of the song.  I was suggested
that they should go in the set stanza part of the lyrics and I agree with
that. All the other place I tried it wants to "use" a note. See the hand
drawn braces tying the 2 lines of each verse together?  That is what I'd
like to accomplish. There is a smple of the code at the bottom of this email

Since you want a fetaBraces markup after the stanza number, you'll
have to \set stanza outside \lyricmode; see section "Adding
dynamics marks to stanzas", which should provide you with some
inspiration for rearranging your file.

Thanks for that pointer - that is what I was missing
so here is what I ended up with - it isn't exact - the brace could be a little more bold and if I make it reach all the way across both line it makes the song not fit one page any more so it is a little bit on the short side

leftbrace = \markup { \override #'(font-encoding . fetaBraces) \lookup #"brace105" }

stanzaOneOne = {
\set stanza = \markup { "1. " \leftbrace } \lyricmode { Child, you're mine and I love you.
   Lend thine ear to what I say.

stanzaOneThree =  {
%  \set stanza = \markup { "   "}
 \lyricmode { Child, I have no great -- er joy
   Than to have you walk in truth.

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