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Re: several problems to solve (positioning of objects)

From: Bertalan Fodor
Subject: Re: several problems to solve (positioning of objects)
Date: Sun, 27 Nov 2005 20:43:01 +0100
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 1.0.7 (Windows/20050923)

Well, I suppose don't do that :-)
You need only one slur and ties.
However, if you still want to typeset your score so ugly, you can achieve that using phrasing slur \(


Jozef Riha wrote:

thank you. now (probably) my last question about this score:

how to typeset the set of slurs on the last line in particularly those around "a g
fis fis fis e"



-- joe

2005/11/27, Bertalan Fodor <address@hidden>:
Jozef Riha wrote:

i am sorry but could you please incorporate/show me where to put these
code snippets into my lilypond code? i am kinda lost.

I think it's easy:

\set chordNameFunction = #(lambda p (make-simple-markup "(D)"))
\unset chordNameFunction

this goes to the chords section you already have (d is the chord which should be written 
as "(D)")

And this:
\set stanza = "Refr."' I -- ma -- nu -- el

Goes to where there is Im -- ma -- nu -- el in the lyrics. (Search for stanza 
in lilypond doc for more examples)


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