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Install now works but...

From: Walter Hofmeister
Subject: Install now works but...
Date: Wed, 28 Jan 2004 13:24:57 -0800
User-agent: Microsoft-Entourage/

Hello all,
    I did get 2.1.15 (newest for mac) to work! Here is the newest problems.

When I start the Terminal I now get this:

Welcome to Darwin!
TEXMF: Undefined variable. <-- this did not appear before.

When I try to run Lilypond on a file I get this:

Analyzing melody-chords.tex...
Running latex...
Running dvips...lilypond: error: `dvips' failed (status 1)
lilypond: error: The error log is as follows:
/tmp/@18449.6dvips.errorloglilypond: warning: Failed to make PS file. Rerun
with --verbose for a trace.
DVI output to `melody-chords.dvi'...
MIDI output to `melody-chords.midi'...

Everything seems fine up to the point where Lilypond calls dvips to convert
the dvi file to a ps and pdf file. Is this something that would have got
changed in the installation? Sorry if this is not the appropriate place to
ask this question but if so where should I ask it?

Walter Hofmeister

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