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guile-3.0 and LilyPond - here: /input/regression/context-defaultchild-cy

From: Thomas Morley
Subject: guile-3.0 and LilyPond - here: /input/regression/ fails
Date: Wed, 22 Jan 2020 00:10:21 +0100


some remarks:

First I compiled successfully guile-master from their repo, giving GNU
Trying to compile LilyPond with that guile (ofcourse adding a bunch of
patches) I had some problems pointing configure to the correct guile
and guile-config to the correct places. This was due to my setup with
too many guile-versions around. So I did some clean up.

Afterwards I've got a successful ´make´ with current LilyPond-master.
´make LANGS='' doc´ failed, though.

The problem is /input/regression/
I do not understand how this regtest survives any compilation.
It contains
#(ly:set-option 'warning-as-error #t)
and some
#(ly:expect-warning ...)
If I compile it, separetly I always get warnings (after disabling
'warning-as-error )
warning: default child context begins a cycle: Score
warning: cannot find or create context: Bottom
warning: default child context begins a cycle: Score
warning: cannot find or create context: Bottom
warning: 4 expected warning(s) not encountered:
        default child context begins a cycle: `Score'
        cannot find or create new `Bottom'
        default child context begins a cycle: `Score'
        cannot find or create new `Bottom'

As far as I understand it errors always.

Currently I can't test with a guile-1-build of recent master (my
mentioned cleanup was a little to thorough it seems)



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