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Re: [Lilypond-auto] Issue 2870 in lilypond: \single \omit and \hide need

From: lilypond
Subject: Re: [Lilypond-auto] Issue 2870 in lilypond: \single \omit and \hide need user-level documentation and examples
Date: Fri, 05 Oct 2012 10:38:05 +0000

        Summary: \single \omit and \hide need user-level documentation and 

Comment #5 on issue 2870 by address@hidden: \single \omit and \hide need user-level documentation and examples

Let me give you a short technical rundown:
"grobs", graphical objects, are items carrying properties that are created in the engraving stage of LilyPond.

A grob is created by engravers, through a call of ly:engraver-make-grob specifying an engraver instance, a grob type, and a cause (the cause being either a "stream event" that is a direct or indirect consequence of a music event, or another grob).

The initial values for a grob are derived from several sources. First, every grob has its own global defaults (which are established using \grobdescriptions in the definition of the global context). Then every active context has its own sets of overriding grob properties (which you can query with ly:context-grob-definition). You can change a context's idea of its overriding grob properties with \override, either for the whole life of the context in a context modification (those are the things starting with \with), or at individual times in the music stream with \override and \revert. Whenever an active context does not have an override of its own for some grob property, its parent context (and ultimately the Global context) will provide it. So that's the normal template where grobs get their values by ly:engraver-make-grob.

However, it is not the whole story. After the values have been initialized in this manner, LilyPond will consult the cause of a grob. If the cause is a stream event containing a 'tweaks field, any tweaks mentioned in there will get applied to the grob. So the information in overrides travels through the context, while the information in tweaks travels directly through the music causing a grob.

As a result, tweaks have far fewer side-effects. If LilyPond loses track of the connection between music and grob, however, a tweak may have no effect at all.

\single will convert one or more overrides into a \tweak on the following music object. Since ly/ contains a lot of override definitions, this is rather handy to have them available for use as a \tweak without having to think up new names for them.

contexts manage their grob property overrides as a sort of stack, \revert pops the latest override from this stack. Since a \tweak has no way of knowing the value "underneath" a stack element in a context's override stack at the time it is ultimately called, one can't turn a \revert into a tweak.

Hope this helps.

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