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Re: Introducing a new project for teenagers in free software (and how yo

From: carmenmaris
Subject: Re: Introducing a new project for teenagers in free software (and how you can help!)
Date: Fri, 6 Dec 2024 23:41:57 +0100 (CET)

Really interesting to see how you've done it. Thanks for that. 

I'm going to run clubs in Auckland as well as online. 

- Carmen

7 Dec 2024, 11:34 by

> * carmenmaris--- via libreplanet-discuss 
> <> [2024-12-03 22:24]:
>> * Introducing teenagers to free software.
> I have been running two times computer club, each time we called it Kosmos 
> (Cosmos).
> Please few computers, install GNU/Linux, and manuals, print some
> manuals, and then invite people to use it. Do not mind if people are
> older or younger as older people may attract younger.
> Let computers be accessible in the manner of teaching them how to
> program, like Squeak or other tools.
> Make time table:
> - 1 hour basics of hardware, keyboard, monitor, peripherals, etc.
> - 2 hours programming, use 2 languages in a month for introduction
> - 1 hour playing per day
> - writing of success stories
> Making it physical is not that hard and is much more fun and more
> productive IMHO.
> Jean Louis

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