On Wed, Feb 10, 2010 at 9:41 PM, Wookey
<address@hidden> wrote:
+++ Felipe Sanches [2010-02-10 16:25 -0200]:
> hi, guys,
> The file attached to this bug report caught my attention to 2 bugs in our
> description of the dwg spec. The patch attached fixes these 2 bugs and thus
> results in the file being properly parsed by LibreDWG.
Thanx for the marvellously quick fix.
> As you can see in this part of the output I've got, all 14.778 objects of the
> dwg file were properly parsed, but now we have another issue: a segfault in the
> application itself (testSVG.c) instead of in the lib:
Yep - I get the same here after applying the patch.
actually I have another patch here that tries to solve this, but I am facing some strange issues here. It SegFaults in a hard to predict pattern. Sometimes it SegFaults, sometimes it dont.
I have even got the tool to run once without segfaulting, which generated a valid svg file here. But the file is not a good conversion of your dwg. It seems that our SVG generator is still very poor.
here it is:
http://bighead.poli.usp.br/~juca/tmp/23Nightingale.svgIf you look at it in a text editor you'll see some interesting strings in there :-)
--Felipe Sanches